Solo jazz classes are currently on hold. Please contact Dawn at if you are interested in joining the class.
Dance the classic vintage steps that took New York by storm in the 1920s and 30s. Try classic Jazz root steps like the suzi Q, applejacks, shorty george and of course, the iconic Charleston. We will be covering basic choreography and classic strolls. No experience is necessary. This is a drop in class. Bring yourself, comfy shoes and £10/£8 concs. Pay at the door, or click the button below.
This class is for you if:
You are free on Tuesday mornings, 10:00- 11:00am
Have a basic level of coordination.
Would love the opportunity to perform the routines learned in class on stage
Love the jazz music of the 1930s
You are looking for something fun and healthy to do before picking your kids up from school!
About the teacher:
Dawn, founder and artistic director of SwingStateLondon has been dancing the Lindy Hop and related dances from the era (including solo jazz) for 20 years. She focuses on authenticity, fun, and quirkiness. Come and join her for a breath of fresh air in a safe environment where we can all express our creativity!
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If you want to book online for the coming half term, you can get 6 lessons for the price of 5 - click here!
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