A new venture, The Lantern Writers, is an opportunity to develop your pursuit of writing with an informal and friendly group with guided exercises to assist you to broaden your freedom of skills to write creatively.
A wide range of genres will be explored and techniques shared, with lots of opportunity to socialise your writing in a supportive way with a focus on the enjoyment of writing.
Unlocking the potential for story telling lies at the heart of the group, creating characters, nurturing imagination, working on narrative, plot structure, poetic expression and above all your own unique voice.
Creative writing is a good and safe way to express emotions and explore ideas. Many people find it builds empathy by exploring different perspectives and exploring sometimes complex thoughts and feelings.
Best of all, creative writing is there for everyone. No skills are required other than a pen and pad, or laptop, and an open mind and heart.
Bookings are now open for The Lantern Writers group Spring term 2025 which runs from Fri 17th January - Fri 28th March 2025 (10 sessions, no session on Fri 21st Feb) 3-5pm. The course fee is £70. New members can be accepted throughout the term.
To reserve your place please email us on and we will send you the details. We will reply to your email as soon as possible, but please note we work part-time.
Your place is not secured until you have paid the course fee and filled in the form with your details. Please note the course fee is non-refundable.

About William Ostrom
William Ostrom takes part in the activities of Lantern Arts Centre as a volunteer and more recently as a trustee. He has spent many years engaged as a copywriter, writing countless words for art and commercial organisations, including an exhibition of art at the Victoria & Albert Museum celebrated in an accompanying book. His work has also involved writing speeches and coaching delivery for people from all walks of life.