Open Monday-Friday 12pm-5pm and Saturday 9am-12pm
The Lantern Hub is a friendly and creative well-being space and a place where you can access low-cost/free activities and services, both at the Lantern and in Merton. Pop in for a warm welcome and a free cup of tea or coffee!
The Lantern Hub is a fresh, creative and adaptable space where anyone can come along and enjoy the indoor seating and peaceful garden.
You can discover a wealth of local resources and get involved with a number of fun and social activities. You will always be welcomed with a smile!
The Lantern Hub is a new and exciting project between the Lantern Arts Centre and the Lantern Methodist Church funded by Merton Giving Fund: Building Resilience.
What's available at the Lantern Hub:
- Local information centre
- Lantern Centre information centre
- Holistic services
- Wellbeing groups
- Peaceful space with garden
- Talks and events
- Crafting classes
Weekly activities:
Monday: Informal Carer’s drop in 12-2pm
Tuesday: Silver Screen/Bingo starting at 2pm
Wednesday: Chair Yoga 12.30-1.30pm
Thursday: Craft Café 2-4pm Bring your own
Friday: Youth Café from 2pm
Saturday: Meet our volunteers and stay for a hot drink


Over the past year the Lantern Hub has become a central space for the wider local community providing free and low-cost activities and free, tea or coffee, a slice of cake for all. The Hub, a joint venture between the Lantern Arts Centre and the Lantern Methodist Church relies on volunteers and the generosity of hub visitors to stay open 5 days a week and keep providing free refreshments.
The Hub hosts free weekly and fortnightly activities such as Craft Café, Youth Café, Bingo and Silver Screen and has become the home of monthly groups such as the Lantern Book Club, Menopause Café and the Merton Carers Drop In Afternoon. The Hub is also used during main house show rehearsals and Youth Choir and doubles up as the Box
Office for LAC Ticket sales. It also works closely with National services such as the NHS through the Merton Social Prescribing Services and the Trussell Trust and provides information from various charities
In 2025 the Hub would love to expand its reach and are asking you to pledge 10 hours of your time, spread though the year, to volunteer. Whether this is 3 Saturday mornings, 2 days during the school holidays or 1hr a week for 10 weeks, if you have 10hrs in 2025 that you can spare you can make a huge difference.
To sign up email Simona at
We are passionate about linking our community to the right people, and have partnerships with the following services and organisations:
The Wimbledon Guild
Merton Council
The Merton and Morden Guild
Independent Age
Merton Connected
If you are interested in supporting or partnering with The Lantern Hub please contact us: